In the sales section, you can create invoices, quotes, and recurring invoices.
Note: To create an invoice please add a client and some products in-stock section. You can only create invoices of added products. If you put products manually. It will not be considered in the invoice. You can change the name of the product after selecting it from the product list temporarily for that particular invoice.
You can Edit invoices & make payments send invoices to client mail and change the status of invoices print invoices etc...
In the Quotation section, you can create Quotation, quotes, and recurring invoices.
You can Edit Quotation & make payments send Quotation to client mail and change the status of Quotation print invoices etc...
Note: you can also make partial payment of clients Herestock
In this section, you can add a product category, and you can also edit or delete the category Here.
Add Product is a major part of the ERP system you can manage your product here add delete edit assign product to category etc....
A warehouse is a Section for listing your products. Warehouses are used For manufacture, importers, exporter, wholesaler, transport businesses, customs, etc.
You can add an online warehouse, on the warehouse Section with full details also manage the warehouse-like Add, delete, update, etc ..
Warehouse Stock Transfer is features to transfer the product from a warehouse to another warehouse.
You Can Also add or delete Warehouse from here
Quick Stock update is a feature to update product stock in the warehouse easily.
You Can update a product in many warehouses in single time stock
customers group is a feature, you can collect similar customers in a group. Within a customer group, you can assign specific discounts and prices for products. You can also restrict access to products based on which group a customer belongs to.
In the Customer section, you can manage our customer you can add, delete, update your customer from here.
Custom Field is an option where you can add extra form fields, you can assign forms fields to specific forms.
This feature is helpful to maintain a record of your incoming stock. Additionally, you can forward it to your suppliers as an email also.
The functionality of this section is similar to the invoices but it acts opposite to the invoice.
A supplier is required to create a purchase order. you can manage supplier account from here like add, update, delete, etc...
Supplier to link a product it is necessary to Make purchase orders.
its feature can link a product to a supplier, here also add, delete, or update linked product
Supplier Account here you can add supplier payment account information also manage account like delete, update, add etc..
Stocks Return has added return stock recode of your warehouse. here you can find your purchase order(PO) and add here return products.
This section is the heart of your business. Here you have to add internal business accounts. Payments. How much you gain from your supplier or customers, you can also manage from here.
This action will update the purchase and expenses of your warehouse. also update and delete expenses from here.
This section is the heart of your business. Here you have to add internal business accounts. Payments in invoices, balance sheets, accounts statements, income, and expenses transactions will automatically be reflected in this section.
Promo Codes
A coupon is a feature to create an offer or discount on a product for the customer, also manage the coupon list after expiry.
This section displays all your warehouse reports.
Sales Report
The sales report describes the record of all the sales which have been made that have been sold during a particular time frame by a salesperson or the management
Product Sale Report
Display sale Report according to product id, also available filters to short data.
Split Payment Reports
Split payment is a means by which payment for a single order of goods or services is made using more than one payment method. Split payment is a multi-payment method that either involves multiple payment cards owned by the user alone or multiple payment cards of different parties involved in the transaction.
Commission Report List
Commissions earn your staff members a percentage of the revenue generated from the products and pricing options they sell
Forecast Stock Report List
Forecast Report is A forecast period is the length of time used to determine the exact inventory quantities you'll need to order.
Cost Report List
A Profit and cost Report is a report that shows your total income and your total Expenses in a specific period of time. It’s a really useful report as it shows you your net profit (or loss) based on your Income & Expenses.
Return Report List
Return Report is displayed Return Report List and their admin can also manage the return list data.
Also easily display by many filter option, product id, modal, date, Product name
Data export import
This section allows you to import you lots of product is one short
You can download Xls demo files and put your data then import in the data import section
Setting section Here you can update your warehouse general information like title and logo mail information etc...
Invoices Status allows making a different type of status which display on invoices you can also manage invoices status from here...
Product label allow you to create a label according to your warehouse
Barcode Setting option allow to set Inventory Barcode, QR Code, label, etc ...
Here is also the present option to manage label size, quantity, barcode generate option etc.
Tax Type Allow you to add many type of tax according to your country or state governments. like vat, Gst, sgst, cgst, sales tax, etc...
Also, you can put the value of taxes here
Quotation Status allows you to add many types of Quotation status which is display on Quotation...
Measurement Units allow adding any types of measurement like kg, gram, pound, etc...
Supplier Status allows you to add many types of Supplier status which is display on purchase orders.
Options section allow to add many type of Options Checkbox, Text, Textarea, File etc...
Which is display on your forms field area
payment term is allowed to add your own term and condition for payment, which is show on your term and conditions sections
the account type section is allowed to create the type of account which is display when you make an account, its a status to display your account type like, Expenses, Income, Liabilities, etc...
POS system allows you to keep track of sales and inventory with a physical system on the store and an application to manage your invoicing, billing & inventory.
So the merchant can create order and place the order from his physical store in front of an walk in client or customers.
- Clean and Responsive Design work on PC/Tablet/Mobile
- Compatible with Tax Setting
- Quick Add and Edit Orders
- Barcode and QR Code Functionality
- POS Web Checkout
- Quick Add and Search Customers
- Fixed/Percentage Discount Calculate
- Fast Search and Ajax loading
- Product Stock and Other Information
- Direct Add to Cart with Stock Alert
- Guest and Registered Customers
- POS Users Auto Redirect to POS Login and User Interface.
- Coupon and Voucher
- Order Comment
- Last 4 Digits of Card for Future Reference
- Clear cart
- Hold Order
- Total day sale display on Screen
- Receipt print & Full-size print
The warehouse has many types of point of sale (pos) screens you can choose and set on your warehouse according to your choice.
Screen 1
Screen 2
Screen 3
Screen 4
Pos Setting
Pos setting option allow to set pos system according to your warehouse. Setting > Pos Setting >
Customer Form
Customer Form Fields option allow admin to set Add customer form fields according to required. admin can enable or disable form field.
Customer Setting
Customer Setting option allows setting add customers default input fields.
Filter Customer Setting
Filter Customer Setting to set Data filter field on list pages.
Order Return Reason allows writing reasons to Return the product. its display to the customer on the order return form
Order Return Form
Payment Method option allows adding Payment option like cash, card, payment, google pay etc...
The invoice Setting option allows setting Invoice content like logo size, print format, etc...
Here is many options present and you can manage all invoice option according to required.
Dashboard Total option allows admin to display total sale amount to your pos screen
Admin can also manage all pos dashboard options from here like order status, payment method, text color, etc...
Dashboard Total on screen
Customer mail option allows admin to set mail Template according to required here is a present lot of shortcode for dynamic data in the mail template.
The order mail option allows the admin to set Order mail content from here.
Pay now Setting option allows to set payment options like payment method, partial payment, customer mail, etc...
Display Setting option allows admin to set pos screen pagination and pos screen product image size